Comprehensive, unique and tailored support

Exec-on gives you access to a network of professional coaches specialized in career transitions and to a set of resources specifically targeting senior managers and organisations.

Achieve results faster

in your new role

Stepping into a new role is both a stimulating and a very stressful experience for anyone. During this transition period our ability to listen, to look at situations objectively and to reflect are vastly diminished, particularly as there is a great deal of pressure to show results quickly. Good self-knowledge is a key factor of success in the new role.

Accelerate peer recognition and

make a positive impression on your key-stakeholders

Developing constructive working relationships with your main stakeholders is key to a successful integration. Avoiding blunders, properly targeting key contacts, managing distrust and conflicting interests are all challenges executives can be confronted with when stepping into a new role.

Ensure personal satisfaction

and sustainable performance

For onboarding to be successful, the executive must feel a sense of accomplishment. The executive’s ability to feel fulfilled and to thrive in their new role is a key element for a long-term commitment to the organization.

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Our approach in 4 steps

Step 1: Preparing for success and developing your learning plan

Here we set out to understand the challenges of the role in relation to your own self-knowledge. Establishing and implementing a learning plan helps you to become operational and credible more quickly and sustainably.

Step 2: Decoding the environment and its challenges

The goal here is to understand the environment in which you will be working: the work culture, the decision-making processes, the explicit and implicit expectations, and to adjust your approach based on the business context.

Step 3: Building credibility

Above all, this means creating a climate of trust and collaboration with all your stakeholders.

Step 4: Creating a vision and aligning the teams

Very early on, the new leader will have to develop a strategy. Elements such as the organizational structure, talent management, and the performance measurement process must be analyzed and adapted to requirements to ensure the strategy can be properly executed. The new leader will have to win the support of their teams and have them mobilized and engaged around the new vision.

Coaching programme for executives onboarding

Se dégage de Stéphane, l'impression qu'il sait très bien ce qu'il fait, et que vous allez bientôt être, à l'issue d'un processus souple et enrichissant, une personne de plus sur la liste de celles qu'il a aidées efficacement et durablement. Directeur - Gouvernement